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Knit & Natter is a social group who meet on the first Monday of every month to knit and prepare items for our 2023 Shoebox Appeal where we send shoeboxes through the charity Samaritan’s Purse as part of their Operation Christmas Child to needy children in eastern Europe and central Asia.
In 2022 326 shoeboxes were sent on their way in November. In 2021 we sent 286 shoeboxes from Haven Church which went to Albania and a country in Central Asia. In 2020 our 270 boxes went to Albania, Belarus, Georgia and Serbia. The shoeboxes are filled with toys, stationery, personal grooming items like a comb or toothbrush and knitted items like gloves, scarves or hats.
It takes place between 2 pm and 4 pm. Refreshments are available. Just turn up to join in the fun.
For more information contact either Sue or Jayne.

The date of the next meeting is at 2pm on Monday 7th April.

Knit and Natter

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